Streamline Your Node JS Logging with Winston: A Comprehensive Logging Solution

Streamline Your Node JS Logging with Winston: A Comprehensive Logging Solution


5 min read

In the world of software development, the most essential part is understanding the behaviour of applications and systems. That’s where logging services come into play. A logging service is a powerful tool that captures, stores and manages log messages, which intern provides the developers and system administrators with valuable information about the software’s performance, behaviour, and potential issues. In this article, we’ll explore the logging service using Winston.

Why Winston..?

Winston simplifies the process of configuring and customizing loggers in Node.js applications. It provides a flexible and intuitive API that allows developers to define various log transports, log levels, and formatting options. Whether you want to log to the console, files, databases, or even third-party services, Winston makes it straightforward to set up and configure log output destinations.

Let’s get started!


Before getting started we need to check if node and npm are preinstalled.

node -v
npm -v

If not please check the below links for the steps to install them.

Click here to Download Node Js

For More reference

1. The first step is to install all required packages

Here we are going to see Winston Logging with MongoDB as a transport.

Now try to run the below npm command on the terminal.

 npm install winston winston-mongodb

2. Once installation is complete, let's dive into configuring MongoDB connection with Mongoose, If the connection is set already you can skip this step

Run the below npm command on the terminal to install the Mongoose package.

npm install mongoose

For initializing the MongoDB connection with Mongoose you can use the below snippet.

Here you need to replace the MongoDB string with yours and add the Username and the password that you would have opted to while creating the Database.

For more information regarding Database creation using MongoDB and also for exploring more Mongoose connection options you can check out the below links for your reference.

Create Mongo DB Database

Connecting to Mongo DB

  1. Let’s start creating a Winston Transport connection with MongoDB and a common logger function

Here we have created the loggerservice.js as a separate module to initialize the connection between Winston and MongoDB and also created a common function that can be exported and used all over the controllers to capture errors or information that needs to be logged.

After creating the loggerservice.js file we can add the necessary modules into the file.

![let winston = require(‘winston’); require(‘winston-mongodb’);

const mongoose = require(‘mongoose’);](*sB_ybn.. align="left")

Required modules

Now we need to define the options object with the desired configuration for the MongoDB transport:

let options = {
 db: mongoose.connection.useDb(‘loggerDatabase’), // Use the desired database
 options: { useUnifiedTopology: true }, // MongoDB connection options
 collection: ‘logs’, // Collection name for storing logs
 capped: false, // Set to true if using a capped collection
 expireAfterSeconds: 2592000, // TTL (time-to-live) in seconds for log documents
 leaveConnectionOpen: false, // Close the MongoDB connection after logging
 storeHost: false, // Disable storing hostname in

Options to be passed to Winston MongoDb Transport (loggerservice.js)

Next, we need to create a logger instance with the MongoDB transport:

Here we are using the options object as a parameter for the Winston MongoDb transport class.

const log = winston.createLogger({
 transports: [
 new winston.transports.MongoDB(options),

Creating a Logger instance (loggerservice.js)

After creating the logger instance we can start constructing the logger function, i.e. used for creating logs all over the API endpoints.

In this example, we have proactively handled the errors that may occur during the logging process, in cases like when the connection to the database fails or if there is an error while logging.

Customized logger function to create logs along with error handling block (loggerservice.js)

async function logger({messageString = '', additionalInfo = {error: null, request: null}, type = 'error'}) {
  try {
    log[type]({ // log variable from Logger instance
      message: messageString,
      additionalInfo: {
        error: additionalInfo?.error,
        request: additionalInfo?.request 
        ? {
          user: additionalInfo?.request?.user,
          rawHeaders: additionalInfo?.request?.rawHeaders,
          reqheader: additionalInfo?.request?.headers,
          reqBody: additionalInfo?.request?.body,
          reqParam: additionalInfo?.request?.params,
          reqQuery: additionalInfo?.request?.query,
        : null
  } catch (err) {
      message: services.loggerService,
      additionalInfo : {
        error: err,
        request: additionalInfo?.request 
        ? {
          rawHeaders: additionalInfo?.request?.rawHeaders,
          reqheader: additionalInfo?.request?.headers,
          reqBody: additionalInfo?.request?.body,
          reqParam: additionalInfo?.request?.params,
          reqQuery: additionalInfo?.request?.query,
        : null

module.exports = {  logger };
  1. Now let’s start using the exported logger function in our endpoints

1. Import the logger function from the desired module path:

Make sure to replace '../../services/loggerService' with the actual path to the file that contains the logger code.

2. Call the logger function to log messages:

Adjust the parameters according to your requirements. The messageString represents the log message, additionalInfo contains any additional information to be logged, and type represents the log level (defaulted to 'error' in the function definition).

This will log the specified message and additional information to the MongoDB database using the winston-mongodb transport.

Make sure to handle any errors that may occur during the logging process, in cases like when the connection to the database fails or if there is an error while logging.

Visualizing the logs

There are plenty of 3rd party services available within Winston Transports for visualizing the logs as tables, graphs etc. As a first choice, we can choose Sentry which has a free Developers plan that works seamlessly and is cost-effective for startup projects at the Initial stages, other alternatives like Cloud Watch a well-known AWS service are also easily configurable with Winston on the go. By adding their respective Transport packages it is easy to transport the logs to the 3rd party services from Winston.

To sum it up

Integrating Winston with MongoDB allows us to log messages from our application to a MongoDB database. This provides centralized storage for our application logs, enabling easy retrieval, analysis, and monitoring. By configuring Winston with the MongoDB transport, we can effortlessly log messages to MongoDB and elevate the querying and indexing capabilities of the database for efficient log management.